dah banyak yang ngepost aktivator buat vista... gw kasih yang paling gampang aja ya.. sekalian skrincrutnya biar lebih "berwarna"
Bahan baku :
- Windows vista SP1 versi terserah, kalo bisa vista ultimate MSDN integrated SP1
- Vista loader 2.1.3
1. Install vista seperti biasa, jangan di isi serial number pada waktu halaman pengisian serial
2. Setelah terinstal, system properties seperti ini :

3. Instal activatornya

4. Reboot
5. Buka system propertiesnya.... activated!

6. Updating, apa KB940510 ini yang ditakutin???
KB940510 This update enables Windows Vista to detect activation exploits that bypass product activation and that interfere with usual Windows operation. An exploit is a form of software that replaces or modifies authentic Windows components. When exploits are present on a system, it indicates that a software or hardware vendor may have tampered with genuine Windows to enable the sale of counterfeit software. Therefore, the security and the privacy of the computer are put at risk. After this update is installed, you will know if exploits are present on the system. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/940510 |

ok gw update deh...
7. Update progress

8. Update selesai, sekarang validating...

9. Review yang udah terupdate

10. Selesai....

sementara aman sampe m$ ngeluarin KB KB yang lain yang mungkin ngeblok aktivator ini...

gitu aja kok repot....

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