Senin, 22 Februari 2010 1 komentar

Terima Pemasangan Telkom Speedy Internet Unlimited Gratis UP TO 3 Mbps [Per2]

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Speedy adalah Layanan akses Internet berkecepatan tinggi dari TELKOM berbasis teknologi akses Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL).

Kembali dibuka, pendaftaran telkom speedy periode 2 (Januari - Maret 2010). periode 1 bisa dilihat disini!

Spoiler for Reward:

Program ini merupakan program point reward berhadiah Motor Harley Davidson yang diperuntukkan kepada pelanggan baru Speedy dan pelanggan lama Speedy yang memenuhi ketentuan.

Ketentuan pelanggan yang dapat memperoleh point reward :
1. Pelanggan yang melakukan pasang baru selama periode 1 Desember 2009 s.d 30 Juni 2010 dan masih berlangganan s.d 30 Juni 2010.
2. Pelanggan eksisting yang telah melakukan upgrade Layanan Speedy selama periode 1 November 2009 - 30 Juni 2010.
3. Pelanggan tidak pernah menunggak pembayaran tagihan Speedy pada periode tagihan Januari s/d Juni 2010
4. Pelanggan tidak melakukan downgrade layanan Speedy selama periode 1 Januari s/d 30 Juni 2010.
5. Pelanggan bukan merupakan pelanggan corporate.

Ketentuan Gimmick dan Point Reward pelanggan mengacu kepada point 1.2 diatas.

Reward Pelanggan :
1 (satu) Buah Motor Harley Davidson
10 (sepuluh) Tiket gratis Nonton F1
5 buah Netbook.

Ketentuan Reward Pelanggan :
Pajak Hadiah ditanggung pemenang
Waktu Pengundian Hadiah : Juli 2010

(dibayarkan ketika teknisi datang untuk melakukan instalasi)

Gratis di Bulan 1
1. Paket Mail (UP TO 1 Mbps) Rp 75.000/bulan
Spoiler for keterangan:

a. Tarif Normal Rp 75.000/bulan
b. Biaya Bulan Pertama GRATIS
c. Kuota 15 jam/bulan
d. Kelebihan Pemakaian Rp75/menit

2. Paket Chat (UP TO 1 Mbps) Rp 110.000/bulan*
Spoiler for keterangan:

a. Tarif Normal Rp 145.000/bulan
b. Biaya Bulan Pertama GRATIS
c. Biaya Bulan ke-2 s/d ke-4 Rp 110.000/bulan
d. Kuota 50 jam/bulan
e. Kelebihan Pemakaian Rp25/menit

3. Paket Family (UP TO 384 Kbps**) Rp 125.000/bulan*
Spoiler for keterangan:

a. Tarif Normal Rp 195.000/bulan
b. Biaya Bulan Pertama GRATIS
c. Biaya Bulan ke-2 s/d ke-4 Rp 125.000/bulan
e. Kelebihan Pemakaian Rp0

4. Paket LOAD (UP TO 512 Kbps**) Rp 176.000/bulan*
Spoiler for keterangan:

a. Tarif Normal Rp 295.000/bulan
b. Biaya Bulan Pertama GRATIS
c. Biaya Bulan ke-2 s/d ke-4 Rp 176.000/bulan
e. Kelebihan Pemakaian Rp0

5. Paket Game (UP TO 1 Mbps) Rp 330.000/bulan*
Spoiler for keterangan:

a. Tarif Normal Rp 645.000/bulan
b. Biaya Bulan Pertama GRATIS
c. Biaya Bulan ke-2 s/d ke-4 Rp 330.000/bulan
e. Kelebihan Pemakaian Rp0

6. Paket Executive (UP TO 2 Mbps) Rp 725.000/bulan*
Spoiler for keterangan:

a. Tarif Normal Rp 995.000/bulan
b. Biaya Bulan Pertama GRATIS
c. Biaya Bulan ke-2 s/d ke-4 Rp 725.000/bulan
e. Kelebihan Pemakaian Rp0

7. Paket Biz (UP TO 3 Mbps) Rp 1.200.000/bulan*
Spoiler for keterangan:

a. Tarif Normal Rp 1.695.000/bulan
b. Biaya Bulan Pertama GRATIS
c. Biaya Bulan ke-2 s/d ke-4 Rp 1.200.000/bulan
e. Kelebihan Pemakaian Rp0

NOte: Untuk modem anda bisa beli dari kami (telkom) atau bisa beli sendiri.
* Berlaku hanya dibulan ke-2 s/d ke-4, selanjutnya tarif normal
** Setelah kuota mencapai 3 GB kecepatan diturunkan menjadi maksimum 128 Kbps
Untuk informasi dan pemasangan hubungi:

hanya berlaku untuk Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tanggerang, Bekasi, Serang, Karawang, dan Purwakarta.
0 komentar

Jasa Setting Mikrotik mulai 100rb/modul atw mulai 500rb full configuration?? Mau..

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Jasa Setting Mikrotik mulai 100rb/modul atw mulai 500rb full configuration?? Mau..

Anda tinggal memilih modul sesuai yang Anda butuhkan, hubungi kami, proses instalasi segera dilakukan, Anda tinggal membayar sesuai modul yg kami konfigurasi. Simple, Murah, dan Efisien..

Modul yang kami sediakan:
* IP Basic setting
* Bandwidth Manajemen
* Memisahkan koneksi untuk game dan browsing
* Firewall
* DHCP Server
* VPN Server
* PPPoE Client
* Monitoring Network Graph
* Hotspot and Voucher
* Remote and Monitoring Security Camera over MikroTik
* Remote PC over Mikrotik
* Lain-lain

Kunjungi Website :

Kami juga menawarkan jasa instalasi server linux untuk proxy, caching video dan lain-lain.

Harga mulai 1 juta-an.
Jumat, 19 Februari 2010 0 komentar

Stokis HPA Indonesia ONLINE

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Produk-produk HPA

Saat ini HPA telah mampu memproduksi lebih dari 200 item produk. Terdiri dari OBAT-OBATAN, FOOD BEVERAGES, CONSUMER...



Saat ini yang tersedia di Indonesia baru produk obat-obatan. Untuk produk masakan cepat saji dan hotel InsyaAllah segera masuk ke Indonesia dalam waktu dekat.

HPA adalah MLM Syariah terbesar di Dunia dan MLM terbesar di Malaysia.
Dan InsyaAllah akan menjadi MLM terbesar juga di Indonesia dalam waktu singkat.

Saatnya untuk anda bergabung dan ikut hanyut dalam derasnya arus pertumbuhan HPA di Indonesia dan turut berjuang memasarkan obat-obatan dan produk HALAL lainnya. BiIznillah, kita mampu menyediakan kebutuhan obat-obatan dan makanan HALAL bagi keluarga dan saudara-saudara kita diseluruh Indonesia.

InsyaAllah Allah meridhoi perjuangan kita. Amin.

Rabu, 17 Februari 2010 0 komentar

si pencari driver automatis

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Pada saat ngerakit mobo sering kali kita dihadapkan dengan driver yang belum tersedia sehingga hardware belum bisa bekerja dengan baik.

sekarang ada solusinya dengan pencari driver yang lumayan genius, silahkan donlot 3DP CHIP di :

kalo dijalankan kek gini :

berkali2 dicoba selalu memuaskan tidak pernah gagal dan hampir support semua jenis mobo.

silahkan cobain gan.

kalo ga bisa donlot coba disini :
0 komentar

bajgur's GAMES @IIX

copas from:

- Alien Arena 2009
- All Aspect Warfare
- Amiga Forever Plus Edition v2009
- Attack on Pearl Harbor
- Avalanche
- Bad Rats
- Bandits: Phoenix Rising @IIX
- Battle Moon Wars
- Bet on Soldier : Blood of Sahara
- Beyond Normandy - Assignment Berlin
- Bionic Commando ReARMED
- Bratz: 4 Real (RIP)
- Buccaneer: The Pursuit of Infamy
- Building & Co: You are the architect!
- Bungee Simulator
- Capcom Arcade Hits Volume 1 (Street Fighter)
- Conflict: Desert Storm
- Corvette
- Cosplay Fetish Academy
- Crime Life: Gang Wars
- Custom Play Golf
- Dead To Rights RIP
- Deadly Dozen
- Dimensity
- Divine Divinity
- Earache Extreme Metal Racing
- Everest
- Evil Dead: Regeneration
- Far West
- Fate: The Traitor Soul @IIX
- Foreign Legion: Buckets of Blood
- GROM - Terror In Tibet
- Happy Tree Friends: False Alarm
- Harbinger
- Hoyle Card Games 2009
- Hoyle Casino 2009
- Hundred Swords
- Impossible Creatures
- IndyCar Series (RIP/HIGH Compress)
- Merchant Of Brooklyn
- MINI Games
- MINI Games part deux
- MINI Games part trois
- MINI Games part quatre
- MINI Games part cinq
- MINI Games part six
- MINI Games part sept
- MINI Games part huit
- MINI Games part neuf (Fashion Edition)
- MINI Games part dix
- MINI Games part onze
- MINI Games bagian ke duabelas
- MINI Games part treize (HOG Edition)
- Mobile Forces
- MX vs. ATV Unleashed
- MySims (RIP)
- Namco Museum 50th Anniversary
- Naruto PC Game
- Nation Red @IIX
- Neopets Puzzle Adventure
- Obscure RIP-Portable
- Over the Hedge
- Overspeed: High Performance Street Racing
- Premier Manager 09
- Rag Doll Kung Fu
- Ragnarok Battle Offline Fighting 2
- Rising Kingdom
- Robot Arena 2: Design & Destroy
- SEGA Smash Pack 1&2
- SIM Safari
- Steel Fury: Kharkov 1942
- Street Fighter Zero 2
- Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse
- Techno The Base
- The Naked Brothers Band
- The PATH
- The Regiment RIP
- The Shield
- The Sims Complete Collection
- Thrillville: Off the Rails
- Touhou Suimusou - Immaterial and Missing Power
- Tunnel Rats
- War World - Tactical Combat
- World War Zero
- X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse
- Yamaha Supercross
- Ys VI : The Ark of Napishtim
0 komentar

Programe Bikin Semua Software Trial Selama Lamanya (Jadi Tetap Original)

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Silahkan Di unduh...
HTML Code:
Syarat dan Ketentuan....:
1. Free Progie bisa di aplikasikan adalah yg berdasarkan Date (tanggal), yang berdasarkan count penggunaan tidak bisa di hack dengan progie ini.
2. progie yang sifatnya autorun, ex : antivirus dan sejenisnya tidak bisa di hack dengan progie ini..
3. Sekian dan Terimakasih...

DI Mohon Dengan Baik Hati Berbagi GRP.... a.k.a Cendol nya Jangan Lupa yak.... Makasih...

0 komentar

Tangkal/ Cegah Netcut, Tested 100% Working Gan

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Sebel bener yak gan lagi asyik download atau lagi browsing, eh tiba-tiba koneksi internet jadi lambat n putus gara2 ulah keisengan orang yang meng-cut koneksi internet kita pakai Netcut

Uda pake anti netcut, anti arp dan lain-lain, pakai semuanya tetap tidak ada pengaruh apa-apa, tetep bisa di "CUT"..

Akhirnya, setelah ane cari2, n nanya2 mbah google, ane dapet juga gan cara yang ampuh buat nangkal netcut...100% berhasil gan...

Software ini namanya port monster,,,port monster bisa mengeblok IP yang sedang ngisengin kita seperti IP orang yang ingin nge "cut" kita dan juga bisa mengetahui IP yang pengen ngecut kita,...jadi walaupun netcut beribu2 kali pengen ngecut kita, tetap aja kita bisa maen asik dan nyantai internetan...

Selain itu didalam program ini terdapat juga beberapa Network Tools, yang dapat berguna untuk sewaktu-waktu kita gunakan. Seperti mengecek DNS Data, Whois IP, Traceroute melalui IP address yang satu jaringan local atau LAN.

Oya satu lagi, program ini juga bisa kirim pesan antar jaringan melalui IP address yang akan dikirim pesan (seperti netsend yang melalui command prompt).


Buat yg pake Win 7 Jangan lupa ikuti cara agan anggey ini

Originally Posted by anggey View Post

Gan di win 7 bisa kog,sebelum instal klik kanan properties...trus ke tab compatibility,run this program bla bla tandai aja XP SP3

Spoiler for Langkah-langkah:

Spoiler for Langkah 1:
Donlod dolo softwarenya dari sini Gan

Btw pesan "This direct link will be available for your IP next 24 hours" Ga usah dihirauin aj gan, ga da artinya, tetep bisa didonlod kok. Klik aja link nya. Bisa pake download manager n bisa resume.

Setelah itu, langsung saja diinstal, cepet n ringan kok, ga sampe 1 menit

Spoiler for Langkah2:
Jalankan port monsternya, akan muncul jendela seperti dibawah ini, klik Next aja.

muncul jendela ini lalu klik Next lagi

Spoiler for Langkah 3:
sebelum klik Next, agan klik Add dulu. (note:kalau error pada saat klik Add, lanjut aja Next)

ada pilihan Port Options, silahkan pilih aja diantara keduanya, lalu klik Next lagi

Spoiler for Langkah 4:
klik Next lagi

klik Finish, dan jalankan programnya

Spoiler for Terakhir:
klik Start yang ditandai oleh persegi biru dan tunggu prosesnya sampai complete, dan program siap digunakan

Selesai deh, sekarang ga perlu takut lagi koneksinya bakalan di "cut" ma orang iseng
Buat yg uda iso, cendolnya jangan lupa ya juragan

Sory banget pabila ampe repost, masi nubie soalnya ni Gan. Yg lum iso wajib komen n rate yak

0 komentar

CCPB Portableholicz

copas from:

last update: 05 Nofember 2008


Spoiler for game portable:

Solitaire Chalenge Portable
Portable Midnight Pool 3D
Portable Stoneloops! (-Jurassic verrsion-)
Portable Diablo II
Portable IceBlast V1.0
Portable Mortimer Beckett An d The Secrets Of Spooky Manor
Fashion Season v1.03 - portable
Fashion Boutique v1.0.8 - Portable
Governor of Poker
Max Payne 2
Assault Heroes
ActiveDolls (+18) Portable
Portable Mortal Kombat : Mythologies Sub-zero
Portable Air Guard 1.15
Portable Mystery Solitaire: Secret Island
Portable Need for Speed: Underground 2
BMW M3 Challenge
Portable Call of Duty
Portable C.S Condition Zero
Portable Feyruna 2: The Druids 1.0
Portable Immortal Defense
Portable Lucys Expedition
Portable Bejeweled Twist
Portable House of Wonders 2: Babies Come Home!
Portable Atomaders 2
Portable Halo
Portable Worms World Party, WORMS 2 Portable
Portable GTA Myriad Island
Portable Grand Theft Auto III
R.I.P 3 - The Last Hero Portable
Super Collapse 3 Portable
Portable Astrobatics
DemonStar 3.25 Portable
Portable Uefa Euro 2008
Portable CLUE Classic
Portable Frets on Fire
Snowboard Kids (N64) Portable
NBA Hangtime N64 Portable
Mortal Kombat 5 Pc

Portable Pinokkio
Portable Ford Racing Off Road 2008
Portable FiFa 99
Portable The Clumsys
Portable Virtual Villagers 3: The Secret City
Portable Need for Speed Porsche Unleashed
Portable Delta Force - Black Hawk Down
Portable Crazy Taxi
Portable South Park Rally
Portable Sherlock Holmes: The Mystery of the Persian Carpet
Portable Larva Mortus
Portable Sky Force 1.22 & Portable Demonstar 1.0
Portable Sea Bounty: Dead Man's Chest
Portable Zuma Deluxe Star Wars
Portable Mystery P.I. - The Vegas Heist
Portable Fishing Craze
Portable Virtual Grand Prix 2
Portable Frets on Fire 1.2
Portable Travel Agency
The SIMS Portable & mirror by oom uncle bob dari genjot ria project...
Portable Magic Aces
Portable Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Portable Counter-Strike: Source
Portable Half-Life: Blue Shift
Portable Command & Conquer Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge
Portable Daycare Nightmare 2: Mini-Monsters
Portable Hidden Jewel Adventure
Portable Interpol 2: Most Wanted
Portable Quake III Arena
Portable StarCraft Brood War Expansion
Portable Wings of Honor Red Baron
Portable Fairway Solitaire
Portable Fugu The Blow Fish
AIO PORTABLE MAHJONG -TS ngamuk di sini!-
Portable Backspin Billiards
Portable Sheeps Quest
Portable Amazon Chess
Portable War Chess
Portable Ocean Range 2
Portable Veronica Rivers: Portals to the Unknown
Portable Runes of Avalon 2
Portable Jewel of Atlantis
Portable Monopoly
Portable Sparkle
Portable Ice Cream Mania
Portable Big City Adventure Sydney, Australia
Portable Dr. Lynch: Grave Secrets
Rack Em Up Road Trip Portable
Portable Time Crisis
Portable Bikini Beach Party
Portable World of Goo
Portable Farm Mania
Portable Bombstrike
Portable Superbike Racing
Portable Beach Head Desert War
Portable Pyramid Bloxx
Portable Puzzle Hero
Portable JeweliX
Portable Eye for Design
Portable Everyday Shooter
Portable Diamond Islands
Portable Crimson Road
Portable The Lost Treasures of Alexandria
Portable Space Trader
Portable Ricochet Infinity
Portable Magical Forest
Portable Fly Chaser
Portable Mythic Mahjong
SolSuite 2008
Portable Evolution
Portable Devastation Zone Troopers
Portable Speed Racer - The Great Plan
Portable Nicktoons Winners Cup Racing
Portable Car Boosting
Portable Classic British Motor Racing
Portable Westward 2 Heroes of the Frontier
Portable Turtix DLL
Portable Tradewinds Caravans
Portable Tower Bloxx Deluxe
Portable Spelltris
Portable Rollercoaster Rush
Portable Road Rush
Portable Zamby and the Mystical Crystals
Airport Mania!
Egyptoid 2
star wars universe
Portable Soldier of Fortune II Double Helix
Portable Dream Match Tennis Pro
Portable Home World 2 - Single & Multiplayer - LAN
Portable Star Craft LAN Edition
Portable Duke Nukem 3D - Atomic Edition + Righ Resolution Pack
Portable Wedding Dash
Portable Titan Attacks
Portable The Sultans Labyrinth
Portable Townopolis
Portable Poker For Dummies
Portable Brain Training For Dummies
Portable Christmas Sudoku
Portable Sudoku
Portable FIFA 2004
Portable Styrateg
Portable Numerology 369
Portable Mr. Smoozles Goes Nutso
Portable Schoolhouse Shuffle
Portable GT-R 400
portable Bejeweled 2
Portable Alien Terminator
Portable Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Portable Yumsters! 2: Around the World!
Portable DOW (Warhammer 40k)
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2
Spore-RELOADED Portable
Portable 3D Driving School v3.1
Portable Mini Golf: 99 Holes
Portable Snood Poppers
Portable SKIP-BO: Castaway Caper
Portable Fairy Tower
Portable Righteous Kill
Portable Fashion Apprentice
Portable Carnival Mania
Portable Musaic Box
Portable The Treasures of Mystery Island
Portable Star Defender 4
Portable FishCo
RollerCoaster Tycoon Deluxe Portable
Car Thief 6
Portable RollerCoaster Tycoon Deluxe
Portable Build-a-lot 2 Town of the Year 1.1
Portable Flower Stand Tycoon
Portable Cinema Tycoon 2: Movie Mania
Vista Games For Xp
Portable Typer shark Deluxe, tiptop deluxe
Portable Insaniquarium Deluxe dll
Bookworm Deluxe dll
Portable LAN Games
Collection of 35 Portable Games
Space Strike
Delicious 2 Deluxe
Delicious Deluxe
DDD Pool
Chicken Invaders 3
Chicken Invaders 2
Chessmaster Challenge
Portable Chicken Invaders full
Portable Cy-Clone 1.5
Portable TubeTwist: Quantum-Flux Edition
Portable CLUE Classic 1.0
Portable Mortal Kombat 4
Portable Archibald's Adventures
Portable The History Channel: Lost Worlds
Portable Treasures of Ra
Portable Yahtzee Deluxe
Portable IceBlast V1.0
Crazy Taxi Portable
Portable Swat 4
Smugglers 4
Ford Racing: off road
Portable Pacman

Spoiler for graphic & web editor:

GIMP v2.6.2 Portable
Wondershare DVD Slideshow Builder v4.5 Portable
MediaChance Dynamic PHOTO HDR v3.43 Portable
Altarsoft ASCII Art Maker v1.6 Portable
Autodesk 3d's Max 2008 Portable
Portable Focus PhotoEditor
Portable ACDSee Pro2 2.0.238
Adobe Illustrator CS3 Portable Edition
Maya 2008 Unlimited - Portable
Adobe Audition 3.0 (Portable)
DreamLight Photo Editor 2.54 Portable
Portable GreenBox Logo Maker 1.0
Portable Sothink SWF Decompiler 4.0.80225
Portable Uleaf GIF Animator 5
Axialis CursorWorkshop v6.31 Professional Portable
Flash Menu Labs Pro v2.074 Portable
Ashampoo Photo Optimizer v3.02 Portable
Portable AutoCAD 2008 full version
Adobe Premiere Pro v2.0 {PORTABLE}
Portable Advanced Business Card Maker v4
Portable Gold Sprinter
Portable Alice Greenfingers
Portable Atomaders
Portable Enigmo 2: Supernova
Portable Adobe After Effects CS3 | 1300 Plugins
The Logo Creator MEGA pack v5.2 Portable
MojoSoft BusinessCards MX v3.94 Portable
Visual Watermark v2.9.9 Portable
Adobe Flash Professional CS3 PORTABLE
Portable Dreamweaver CS3
Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 Final Portable
Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 Final Portable (
Adobe Illustrator CS4 Portable -FULL VERSION, oom-
Adobe Illustrator CS4 Portable (
Adobe Fireworks CS4 Portable
Adobe Fireworks CS4 Portable Portable (
Portable Axialis IconWorkshop 6.30
MAGIX 3D Maker v6.06 Portable
StudioLine Web v3.50.61.0 Portable
Tables2CSS v2.9.0 Portable
SWF to Text
Picture To Icon v2.1 Portable
Portable Adobe Acrobat 8 Profesional
Corel draw X4
Portable Baby Maker
Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 Final Portable
Real DRAW Pro v4
Mazaika v3.2d Portable
Proxima Photo Manager 2008 Professional
Video Avatar
corel draw X3
Portable Adobe Flash CS3
ImageElements Tool Suite
Greeting Card Studio 1.37
Sothink SWF Decompiler v4.1
Portable Aurora Web Editor 2008
IconCool Studio
Portable Photo Frame Show v1.4
Auto Collage Studio 2.15 Portable
Image Compressor 2008
XnView v1.95 Portable
Corel Painter X v10 Portable
BricsCad Pro v9
Face Smoother v1.53 Portable
Portable Macromedia Fireworks 8
Business Card Designer Pro 4
Portable Flash Website Design v1.16
InAlbum Deluxe v.3.2 Portable
Stardock SkinStudio Pro v5.0.0 Build 111 Portable
Portable Adobe Atmosphere v1.0
Portable WebCopier Pro v4.6
Professor Franklin's Instant Photo Artist v2.0 Portable
FlipAlbum 6 Pro v6.0.3.342 Portable
Sweet Home 3D v1.4 Portable
Blender v2.48 Portable
Portable Freehand Mx
Adobe Photoshop CS4 v11.0 - Portable (Reloaded)
Google Sketchup Pro v6.4.112 Portable
Portable Autodesk AutoCAD 2009
Fox Flash Decompiler v3.0.1.2
Xara3D v6
Adobe Captivate
Portable Box Shot 3D v2.9.4
Adobe Page Maker v7.01
PHP Designer 2007 Professional 5.5.2

Spoiler for internet:

Spoiler for multimedia:

Portable DVDFab Platinum
Portable Virtual DJ 5.1 Pro MultiLang
Portable VSO PhotoDVD M.Lang

Portable AV Music Morpher Gold 4.0.66
Portable KlipFolio 4.0.1
Portable Pictomio 1.0.15
Xilisoft Video Converter Ultimate v5.1.17.1027 Portable
J.River Media Center v12.0.534 Portable
Portable VSO ConvertXtoDVD multilang
Portable Sony Sound Forge 8.0d Build 128
Portable Video Convert Master v6.0
Portable Digital Music Studio v8.0.4.1
DVDFab Platinum v3.1.6.0
Portable CyberLink PowerDVD Deluxe 8.0.1531
MediaMonkey Gold v3.0.6.1190
Portable GoldWave 5.23
Ashampoo Burning Studio 2009 Portable
Ableton Live v7.0.3 Portable
Ableton Live v7.0.3 Portable []
Subliminal Recording System v8.0 Portable
n-track Studio v6.0.1.2406 Portable
FormatFactory v1.55 Portable
FairUse Wizard v2.9 Portable
MakBit Virtual CD-DVD
Portable IndigoRose AutoPlay Media Studio v7.5
REAPER v2.53 Portable
ClipFisher v1.17 Portable
Blaze Magic Video 3
Portable Wondershare Movie Story 4.5.0
DVD Styler
KMPlayer v2.9.3.1428 MultiLang
MAXON CINEMA 4D Studio Bundle v11.0 Portable
RealPlayer Gold v11.0.0.468 Portable
Boilsoft Video Splitter& Joiner
Absolute MP3 Splitter Converter
Subliminal Recording System v8.0 Portable
Portable Aimersoft DVD Studio Pack v1.8.0.6
Fasoft n-Track Studio Portable
Spirit of Forest 3.2.1
Sony Vegas Movie Studio Platinum Edition Pro v9.0a Build 85 Portable
Portable CdRoller 7.61
Video Snapshots Genius
UltraISO 9.3 Multi Language
Winamp Pro PowerPack v5.53.1924
Pioneer DJS v1.601 Portable
Mixxx v1.6.1 Portable
Adobe® Digital Editions
Pegasys DivX Author
DVDFab Platinum
Adobe Audition CS3
Portable PowerISO v3.7
Pro Show producer
Nero 9 Lite portable

Spoiler for office portable:

Spoiler for utility:

Portable SnagIt 9
360° Desktop v0.6 portable
VMWare Thinapp versi 4.00.200
Portable Auslogics Registry Defrag
Portable Prayer Times Full Incl.Suras & Azan
Portable FileHamster
IDM UltraCompare Professional v6.00.2 Portable
RegDoctor v2.07 Portable
Portable SpeedUp My PC 3.5
Portable TextAloud v2.285
Portable Data Recovery AIO
Portable Driver Genius 2007 Professional 7.1.622
Portable Paragon Partition Manager Professional 9.0 Ultimate Edition v9.0.0 Portable
Zards Software Cleanse Uninstaller Pro 2008 v4.6.5 Portable
PowerArchiver 2009 v11.01.03 Portable
Norton Partition Magic 8.05 + Portable!
Portable See Password 2.05
Portable PC CheckUp v.30 dll
Window Washer v6.5.5.155 Portable
Registry Clean Expert v4.63 Portable
Pinnacle Game Profiler v4.8.6 Portable
Driver Genius Professional Edition For Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista/x 64
version New Version!

Portable CheMax 9.1
Portable tune up utillities 2008
AutoRun Typhoon v4
Advanced Windows Care v.4
Magic Lens Max
Portable Hard Drive Inspector Pro 2.98 Build 475
Portable Better File Rename v5.2.5
Smart NTFS Recovery v3.9
Vopt v8.8
Portable Vienna Gadgets for XP
ultra shredder
Professional Registry Doctor 5.1.3
Apps Creation Master 1.6 Portable
PowerArchiver 2009
Portable SpeedCommander
Multi Password Recovery v1.0.9 Multilingual
Virtual Magnifying Glass
Portable Winrar 4.65
Portable Rainbow Folders 2.02
PC Security Tweaker
Perfect Uninstaller V6.2.1
HWiNFO32 2.25.132 Portable
Portable TechSmith SnagIt 9.0.1 Build 122
KLS Backup 2008 Professional Portable
Portable WinRar 3.80 Beta 3
Portable TuneUp Utilities 2007 v6.0.2311

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